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City HallGovernment facilities often face a myriad of rules and regulations they must follow when procuring energy. Transparency, a fair competitive process & expertise are the minimal requirements needed to ensure compliance mandates are met. Even more importantly, experience procuring energy with government agencies is paramount to achieve a successful outcome as appropriate expectations need to be set for both the customer and company they ultimately work with.

Tesla Energy Advisors has experience and expertise in procuring energy with Government entities and can ensure that you meet all your compliance goals/mandates while also getting the lowest prices available for energy in the marketplace.

Specific areas of value Tesla Energy Advisors deliver for this verticle include:

  • Providing transparent, competitive and fair process
  • Provide advanced pricing analysis and data so expectations are set correctly
  • Help define energy procurement objectives
  • Context concerning when favorable market conditions exist to hold the auction & results that leave you confident that there is no better price available anywhere else in the marketplace
  • Craft solicitation
  • Host Bidder Conference to ensure all pre-requisites to bid are met
  • Pre-qualify suppliers
  • Hold auction and provide post auction support including contract review and recommendations
  • Provide repository for all documents and provide ongoing market support for your next procurement event/auction

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