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Captain Rate Buster Woman2RateBuster™ Guarantee

Want to ensure you are getting the lowest rate available in the market from an energy supplier? Let Tesla Energy Advisors make sure that you are right – for free! This is a strictly upside proposition and the only thing you could lose is money by not looking into this! Our pricing analysts will review the price you received against current market trends and let you know if we can beat this rate and by approximately how much. We turn these requests around in 1 day.

MarketAlert Program™

Automatic enrollment occurs for all Tesla Energy Advisors customers. Getting the lowest prices in the market place is great but having a tool that allows you to continue getting low rates is crucial to organizations looking to stay competitive in today’s business environment. Tesla Energy Advisors pro-actively monitors the volatile energy markets on behalf of all our customers POST auction so you can continually be alerted to purchasing opportunities as they become available.

How it works:

After working together on energy procurement, Tesla Energy Advisors understands your businesses risk tolerance and business goals /objectives around energy procurement. We enter all this information into our system and notify you immediately if the market indicates that an extension or potential modification of your supply agreement would be advantageous. With our MarketAlert Program™ you will have a team of energy experts pro-actively monitoring these markets daily on your behalf. This provides customers peace of mind so that they can focus on their core business. This program ensures that our customers continually get the best rates for their natural gas and electricity supply.


Lower your utility rates and save money.

Any time our analysts enter a supplier price into the system, Tesla Energy Advisors Market Alert™ system does a few things:

  1. It will check these prices against your rates
  2. If the new rate is substantially lower, Tesla Energy Advisors can attempt to renegotiate your contract and get you a lower rate over time.
  3. Tesla Energy Advisors can then use this information to inform you of the most current rates other customers have received in your utility.

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