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Reduce your CO2 footprint with Tesla Energy Advisors “GoGreenAmerica ™” program

Going green – it’s a phrase that’s becoming more and more common as people start to realize the enormity of the environmental challenges we all face. Everybody knows the earth is in trouble: every day we see new stories about global warming, acid rain, oil spills, deforestation, or nuclear waste. But what can you actually do to help? In comes AuctionUrenergy to the rescue in a BIG way you can with our “GoGreenAmerica” program! If you want to iStock 000003846528Smallsubstantially reduce your facilities CO2 footprint and answer yes to any of the questions below, we have an excellent solution for you……

  • Do you have an unfunded mandate to “Go Green” and do not know where to start?
  • Would you like to have a significant impact on reducing your CO2 footprint with NO capital outlay?
  • Do you have a desire to be “green” but have little capital available in your budget to invest in meaningful energy efficiency/reduction projects?
  • Would you like to do the right thing by the environment by being efficient but just do not know how to go about doing this?

Tesla Energy Advisors has a the most effective way for your facility to lower your CO2 footprints – guaranteed and there are no out of pocket costs whatsoever.

  1. How it works:
    Tesla Energy Advisors has agreements in place with multiple Energy Suppliers to provide 100% CO2 free-energy to your facility from ONLY renewable energy sources such as Solar, Wind, Biomass facilities, etc., etc.
  2. We craft a “Green RFP” and put our world famous competitive process in place to have anywhere from 10-100% of your energy come from emission free generators only.
  3. We compare all pricing and take advantage of the most advantageous price point and terms lengths available to your organization.
    Normally, there is a premium for customers to procure “green energy” because it is cheaper to create electricity from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, etc. However, AuctionURenergy’s auctions are so powerful we often eliminate any premiums whatsoever and we can prove it!


Benefits from this program:


  • Receive certified REC plaque to display
  • Reduce CO2 emissions on a very large scale with no capital outlay
  • Use your REC’s for marketing purposes to differentiate your institution
  • Meet internal/external CO2 mandates
  • Leadership! Be a pro-active “green champion” in your organization. We will do all the work and you take all the credit by presenting:
    • A copy of the “Green RFP”
    • A Snap Shot of the winning auction
    • CO2 certified plaque
    • Historical bid sheet that shows all bids from all suppliers + savings

By adding Technology to the procurement process, you will only “Go Green” but will be viewed as a pro-active “thought leader” in your organization!

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