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Tesla Energy Advisors has a comprehensive utility bill auditing service that we provide to existing customers. As a Tesla Energy Advisors client spending over $4,000 per month on your bills, you have access to this program which can drive down your utility rates even further! Did you know there are over 160 cost components to every utility bill? Not to worry, all you have to do to take advantage of this service is send us 12 months of bills and answer a few questions; we take care of the rest! The best part is that Tesla Energy Advisors also offers this service on a contingency basis as well. Thus, we only earn a fee after we have performed an analysis and only if a refund or savings is achieved.
Benefits and fees:

If you are being billed accurately, then great – at least you have the peace of mind knowing this. And the service is FREE!

However, if we find errors we will seek a refund from your utility or supplier. Once we successfully facilitate a refund and AFTER you receive the money, Tesla Energy Advisors will then and only then invoice you for a pre-agreed % of the revenue recovered. We only earn a fee if you receive a refund - if nothing is recovered, you pay nothing!

We offer bill audits for the following account types:

  • Electricity
  • Natural Gas
  • Water/Sewer
  • Sub-Metering Billing Services
  • Real Property Taxes (NYS only)

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